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Are you descended from the kings of France and Spain?

The Bourbon DNA Project: the search for the descendants of the kings of France and Spain.

Since the beginning of 2013, iGENEA has been searching for male descendants of the noble Bourbon family with a large-scale, worldwide project.
By testing three members of the family who are alive today, the Y-DNA profile of this lineage could now be determined. The test subjects were Prince Axel of Bourbon-Parma, Prince Sixtus of Bourbon-Parma and Prince João Henrique of Orleans-Braganza. All three share the same profile and belong to haplogroup R-Z381.
The common ancestor of the three subjects is Louis XIII King of France (1601-1643). Based on the match, it can be assumed that this is the profile of all French kings since Louis XIII.

The Bourbon

The iGENEA origin analysis

Using the profile of 38 markers, the Institute for Origin Analysis iGENEA analyzed the origin of the French kings.


. The royal lineage originates from haplogroup R-M269. Haplogroup R-M269 originated about 9,500 years ago in the region around the Black Sea. The immigration of this group to Europe took place at the earliest with the spread of agriculture from 7,000 B.C., most probably there is also a strong connection with the Indo-Europeans, who spread to Europe in several waves only a little later. Subgroup R-Z381 occurs today mainly in northwestern Europe and typical of the region from which the Bourbons originally came.

Original people and region of origin

. The French kings are descended from the Capetians, a Frankish noble family from which, for example, the Sun King Louis XIV also descended. The area of origin of the Franks lies along the Rhine in what is now western Germany and the Netherlands. The ancestors of this line can be proved in this region up to the 7th century. It is thus the oldest noble house in Europe still existing today in a purely male line. The Franconian origin is confirmed by the Y-DNA profile.

Descendants alive today

. All French kings since Hugh Capet (940 - 996), the progenitor of the Capetians, belong to this family, as do the kings of Spain and the former kings of Portugal and the former emperors of Brazil. Descendants still living today are:
- Juan Carlos I, King of Spain
- Prince Felipe of Spain
- Henry I, Grand Duke of Luxembourg
- Louis XX, Pretender to the Throne of France
- Duarte III Pio de Bragança, Pretender to the Throne of Portugal
- Prince Luís of Orléans-Braganza, Pretender to the Throne of Brazil
- Carlos, Duke of Parma, Italy

Branches of the family existing today:

- House of Bourbon
- House of Orleans
- House Braganza

Search for relatives living today

. The profile of French kings is very rare. So far, there are no closer matches in the known databases. A match to this profile is therefore a very strong indication of descent from the Capetian family.
In order to verify the ancestry passed down from the above mentioned noble families, iGENEA offers a free DNA test to all descendants of the all-male line.
There are legends about illegitimate children of men of this family. iGENEA now offers for the first time the possibility to verify these tales with the help of a DNA test. In the current project, we are looking for other living next of kin of this noble family. To participate, order one of the following tests. If your profile matches that of the French kings in 35 out of 38 markers, we will refund the price of the test and you will receive a personal certificate confirming the verified relationship.

Earlier tests

. Louis XVI was the last king of France before the French Revolution. After being deposed, he was sentenced to death and executed in Paris on Jan. 21, 1793. According to legend, one of those present picked up some of the king's blood with his handkerchief. Remains of this handkerchief are still preserved today and were already examined for DNA traces in 2010. In 2012, samples were obtained from the mummified skull of King Henry IV. The latter was an ancestor of Louis XVI and ruled France 200 years before him. Both test results matched almost completely. The profiles belong to the haplogroup G. However, since only a few markers could be tested from the skull of Henry IV and the authenticity of the handkerchief is doubtful, the result of this study is considered less significant today

Order DNA origin analysis

Unearthing Royal Connections: My Unexpected Journey with iGENEA DNA Test

I took a delve into my family heritage with an iGENEA DNA test, only to discover that I share genetic markers with the illustrious Bourbon Dynasty. Surprised but appreciative, traversing through my lineage has been a journey into the past. (O. Dworazik)

I recently took a journey into my family heritage with a DNA test purchased from iGENEA, and the results have been quite an unexpected surprise. Digging deep into my ancestral roots was something I had contemplated doing for years. Taking the leap was thrilling and eye-opening, and underscored by an overall positive experience with iGENEA.

The ordering process was very straightforward, and the test arrived promptly, faster than expected, even in these times of disrupted international shipping. The instructions were clearly spelled out, making the DNA extraction procedure simple and uncomplicated. IGENEA offered excellent support, promptly responding to my various inquiries about the process.

The wait for the results was relatively short and filled with anticipation. When they arrived, they were well-organised, detailed, and easy to understand - even for someone who is not well-versed in genetic biology. The information was laid out in a way that painted a vivid picture of my genetic ancestry.

Now, discovering that I shared a relationship with Die Bourbonen was an absolute shock. The Bourbon Dynasty, once the ruling house of France, is a lineage steeped in history and grandeur, and to discover a link to them in my genetic past was completely unexpected. It was as if I had suddenly rolled back centuries of history, providing me with an automatic historical education about this illustrious dynasty.

IGENEA further allowed the comparison of my genetic markers with those of documented ancestors from other families, further unravelling the hidden threads of my family tapestry. I had access to extensive explanations and references, which aided in contextualizing these unexpected findings.

Overall, I am supremely satisfied with my iGENEA DNA testing experience. I have an appreciation for my past that I wouldn't otherwise have achieved. The exploration of my lineage through genetics has been enlightening, fascinating, and a bit surreal. In connecting with Die Bourbonen, I can now imagine a story from another time and place.


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Questions and answers about the DNA test

After we have received the samples it normally takes 6 weeks for the fist results. Depending on the chosen test the result is thus already fully ready or further analysis are done.

If you order and pay for a test set for somebody else online, the address of the other person under “Comments”. We will then send the collection kit to the address of this person. You can also place your order by phone or e-mail.

This is how the DNA origin analysis works

A Mucus Sample suffices to get a sample of your DNA. Taking the sample is simple and painless and can be done at home. Send the samples with the envelop included in the sampling kit.

Your origin analysis