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Tracing Ancestry with iGENEA DNA Test: A Journey into the History of the Fulmer Surname

Family name Fulmer

Through the iGENEA DNA test, I delved into discovering my lineage. Learning about the origins and history of my surname, Fulmer, was an enlightening trip into the past. I traced my roots back to a quaint village in England, explored the rich history of the Fulmers during the Middle Ages, and followed the journey of my ancestors across the Atlantic to the New World.

K. Fulmer

Through the professional and detailed examination of my DNA, performed by iGENEA, I've discovered fascinating insights into my deep familial roots. Originating from a name like Fulmer, I learned, means stepping back into a history that is as captivating as it is enlightening.

Fulmer is an enchanting village encased in Buckinghamshire, England. This is where my surname first emerged, providing a geographical marker of my ancestry that traces back centuries. The name 'Fulmer' descends from the Old English words 'Fugol mere,' which mean 'bird lake’. This etymology paints an idyllic image of a bird-filled lake in England, where my ancestors once thrived, and reveals the connection I unknowingly shared with nature.

According to the insights from my DNA test, the Fulmers had a significant presence during the medieval period, suggesting that my lineage belongs to the exceptionally arduous but invigorating time of the Middle Ages. Each Fulmer, through ages, contributed to society through various roles such as lords of estates, farmers, tradesmen, and even soldiers.

Moreover, the test also revealed a broader migration pattern of those bearing the Fulmer surname. It showed how family members, like many others at those times, eventually moved across seas to land on the welcoming shores of the New World. This migration happened around the 17th and 18th centuries, marking a period when vast numbers of Europeans sought new adventures and opportunities.

Overall, learning about the origins and history of my surname has been an enlightening experience. It gave me access to multiple layers of my identity that I wasn't aware of before. Whether they were by the bird lake in England or treading paths in the New World, my ancestors had an exciting history, resilience, and passion, and I am proud to carry the Fulmer name.

K. Fulmer

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🧬DNA-ExplorerGenealogy DNADNA of the indigenous peoples

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