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Delving Into Ancestry: Surprising Discoveries about The Surname Woods Based on my iGENEA DNA Test

Family name Woods

Following a long-awaited iGENEA DNA test, I embarked on a revealing journey that threw light on the origins and history of my surname - Woods. The surprising revelations about my ancestry emerged from unexpected corners, through my DNA.

L. Woods

The iGENEA DNA test had always intrigued me, with its promise of an intricate genetic exploration. I took the plunge, hoping to learn more about my family history, the origins of my surname - Woods, and immerse myself in the vast reservoir of knowledge that my DNA might hold. To say the test brought some revelations would be an understatement. From surprising ancestral roots to unexpected historical connections, the revelations came pouring in. To start off, and much to my astonishment, the origins of the Woods surname didn't lie in the English-speaking parts of Europe as I had always believed, but somewhere in Western Asia.

L. Woods

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🧬DNA-ExplorerGenealogy DNADNA of the indigenous peoples

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