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Unlocking Unexpected Lineages: iGENEA DNA Test Reveals Surprising Zellner Heritage

Family name Zellner

Coming from a family that's deeply rooted in Swabian tradition, I had expected my iGENEA DNA test to confirm our German heritage. Yet, to my surprise, the results told a far more intricate tale of my lineage than I could have ever expected. The biggest surprise, however, involved my surname, Zellner.

N. Zellner

What I assumed would be a simple validation exercise turned into a journey of discovery, as my iGENEA DNA test results unraveled a tale far more complex and far-reaching than I could have ever anticipated. Beyond my prevailing German ancestry, I found threads connecting me to other parts of the world, a revelation that altered my understanding of my own identity.

The key discovery involved my patrilineal line connected to the Zellner surname, traditionally of Swabian origin. The DNA analysis detected some unexpected markers - a significant proportion of Celtic and Gallic DNA. The discovery led me to conclude that my ancestors were part of the Celts and Gauls who once lived in parts of Germany, France, and Britain before the Roman era.

Even more surprising was a small but distinct trace of Jewish Ashkenazi DNA. Does this indicate that somewhere in my family’s past, a Jewish Ashkenazi married into the Zellner family perhaps in the tumultuous times of the 16th or 17th centuries?

Upon further research, I found that Zellner could also be a Jewish Ashkenazic surname, derived from the Yiddish term 'zelner' meaning the town crier. This is certainly an exciting and unexpected find.

The iGENEA DNA test has undoubtedly shed a new light on my understanding of my ancestry. As a Zellner, I am not just a descendant of German lineage but a vibrant combination of German, Celtic, Gallic, and Jewish Ashkenazi heritage. It is a mix that I relish, a new layer to my identity that I am keen to explore further. What began as a quest to validate my family heritage has turned into a fascinating journey of self-discovery, full of surprises and exciting revelations.

N. Zellner

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🧬DNA-ExplorerGenealogy DNAGermanic DNADNA of the indigenous peoples

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